by Sylene Argent and Adam Gault
Youth Council Reps receive Certificates of congratulations
Essex Mayor Larry Snively presented certificates of accomplishment to Youth Council Reps, Cameron Soucie and Ehva Hoffmann, which included wishes of success.
Soucie officially joined Hoffmann as a Youth Council Rep for Essex Council last month. Hoffmann has been a Youth Council Rep since 2016.
Youth Council reps provide a youth perspective to municipal issues. They are non-voting members.
“It is nice to have an active youth Council,” Snively said.
Essex provides Letter of Support for Windsor Pipeline Replacement
Steven Julich, Director of Southwest Region Operations for Enbridge Gas Inc., asked Essex Council to consider supporting the 2020 Windsor Pipeline Replacement Project in principle and provide a Letter of Support for the project that would be included as part of its application to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB).
The OEB has to approve the project before Enbridge can move forward.
Council received the presentation, which was very similar to the one presented the previous week to County Council, and moved to provide a Letter of Support.
The 2020 Windsor Pipeline Replacement project will replace the 60km natural gas line that was built in the 1940s and 1960s. $88million is planned to be invested in the project. It stretches across Tecumseh, Lakeshore, and Chatham-Kent, primarily along County Road 46, locally. The current pipe is eight to ten inches in diameter. The new pipe will be six inches in diameter, but will operate at a higher pressure. The new pipeline will be laid in the same vicinity of the existing pipeline.
Julich said the replacement project ensures the reliable delivery of natural gas.
At the County Council meeting, there was concern about Rights-of-Ways and the smaller pipeline. At the Essex Council meeting, Julich said Enbridge is committed to engaging the community through the planning process. At an open house held recently about this project, 70 residents attended, which he said they were happy with the turnout.
“Let me assure you that the Windsor [Pipe]Line Replacement Project is a like-for-like replacement of the existing pipeline. There is no loss in capacity for the Region. And further, the new pipeline means enough capacity to meet all future growth in this area, and it is a generous forecast,” Julich told Essex Council, noting that is taking into consideration that the new Mega Hospital will be tied into this line when it is built.
It is hoped the application will be submitted this summer and that the project will be completed in 2020. The current pipeline, when no longer in use, will be removed, unless it is located in a sensitive area to minimize impact on the environment.
Councillor Sherry Bondy said the project sounds like a good move for the region.
Colchester Harbour again earns Blue Flag Certification
Council received Community Services Report “Colchester Harbour-2019 Blue Flag Certification” for information.
In the report, Council is informed the Colchester Harbour was certified in 2019 as a Blue Flag harbour for the third year in a row. This is a distinction Environmental Defence presents. Blue Flag is a world-renowned eco-certification for beaches and marinas.
Councillor Chris Vander Doelen question who Environmental Defence is and why the Town has sought out the certification.
“Why are we putting ourselves in their hands as to saying whether our harbour is good or bad,” he asked.
Director of Community Services, Doug Sweet, noted the program is an international certification program.
“I think we should be proud of it,” Mayor Larry Snively said.
Townsview Park playground equipment selected
Council received Community Services’ Report “Results of Request for Proposal – Design, Supply, and Install New Townsview Park Playground Equipment” and awarded the future Townsview Park Playground Equipment project to New World Park Solutions Inc.
As part of the selection process, a Request for Proposal was issued based on a fixed budget of $175,000.
The proposal review process included the public opinion through a May 7 open house where the five designs submitted into the Request for Proposal were displayed for families to vote on and a team comprised of town staff.
The report to Council noted 46 people attended the open house to review the designs and vote on which one they liked best.
After reviewing each proposal as submitted and totalling the scores, “New World Park Solutions Inc.’s - Option 2” scored the highest.
New World Park Solution’s Inc. bid proposal was for $167,853.12. A total of $275,000 had been set aside in the 2019 Community Services capital budget for this park and playground project.
"National AccessAbility Week” declared in Essex
Essex Council passed a motion designating May 26 to June 1 as National AccessAbility Week in the Town of Essex.
The designation strives to promote accessibility and inclusion in public and workplaces across Canada, and celebrate the contributions of Canadians with disabilities.
This comes in the wake of Council’s recent approval of a new accessibility ramp leading from Colchester Park to the beach, which will allow even greater access to Essex’s waterfront for those with physical disabilities.
“Council did support [the ramp], and you were a big part of that Mr. Mayor, taking leadership,” Councillor Bondy said during the motion to declare the week. “And Councillor Bjorkman is on the Accessibility Committee, and I’m sure he would have mentioned [the ramp] if he was here.”
As part of the week, the Essex Accessibility Advisory Committee will distribute a Community Survey. The survey will seek feedback on accessibility issues and will inform the public on the duties of the Accessibility Committee.
Essex Tourism Events Fund awarded
Council received a report from Economic Development Officer Nelson Silveira, regarding the distribution of the annual $1000 Essex Tourism Events Fund, and how the Essex Community Services, this year’s recipient, will be able to use the funding.
The funding will be used by Essex Community Services to advertise an upcoming event in print materials and on social media.
Maintenance and repair projects awarded
Essex Council approved and awarded two projects this past week.
A request for tender was awarded to South Shore Contracting for culvert replacement on the 3rd Concession Road in the amount of $554,373.21, including the applicable taxes.
The 2019 Capital Bridges and Culvert approved expenditures of $580,000 for Project 200203 included the following scope of work for 3rd Concession Road: storm sewer installation, roadway widening, curbs, paving, road swale relocation, and driveway modifications.
An additional request for tender was awarded to Southwestern Sales Corporation Limited for the supply and application of road maintenance stone in the amount of not more than $160,000, including all applicable taxes.
The Town of Essex is required to carry out regular maintenance of the roads to ensure a safe and usable condition.
As part of the maintenance program, the Town must seek a qualified contractor for the supply and application of 100 percent crushed dolomite stone.
In addition, the material shall meet the requirements of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specification (OPSS) 1010, material specifications for Granular “M”0-5/8” material and shall have a minimum bulk relative density of 2.7.
The $160,000 for the supply and application of the stone was approved as per the 2019 Operating Budget.