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Volunteers thanked during appreciation event

by Sylene Argent

The contributions dedicated volunteers provide to their communities is invaluable as they offer their talents to enhance the municipality in some way.

  A long list of local volunteers, who have attached themselves to one of the Town of Essex boards or committees, were celebrated for their selfless service last Friday evening at the annual Volunteer Appreciation Night, at the Essex Centre Sports Complex.

  Mayor Larry Snively welcomed everyone to the event by saying he and the Town appreciate the hard work and dedication the volunteers dedicate to improving and enhancing the community. He said volunteers do not commit their efforts to Town committees and board to be recognized for their efforts, they get involved because they want to make Essex a better place to live.

  Snively congratulated each of the volunteers at the event on their efforts.

  Deputy Mayor Richard Meloche acknowledged the work each of the Town’s boards and committees do throughout the year. Each of the Town’s boards and committees are equally important for their invaluable service, he noted.

  The Accessibility Advisory Committee helps the community become easier to navigate for those with special needs. The Arts, Culture, and Tourism (ACT) Committee was recognized for hosting another successful Tune up the Parks summer concert series and for holding its inaugural kite day this summer, which had a great turnout.

  The Essex Centre BIA, Meloche said, is hard at work improving the physical environment of the community to help attract new investors, such as partnering with the Town to install the pavilion in the Heritage Gardens Park in 2018. Recently, the BIA installed two polar bear benches and illuminated arches adjacent to the pavilion to enhance the holiday flair.

  The Co-An Park Committee facilities sporting leagues and maintains the facility in the McGregor area. The Municipal Heritage Committee works at preserving and promoting the municipality’s rich past. This year, the Committee had six new properties listed for having heritage significance.

  The Committee of Adjustment is vital to ensuring orderly development in Essex. In 2019, the committee reviewed around 50 applications that requested anything from new industrial and residential lots to minor variances. The new Drainage Committee has had the responsibility of making sure drainage within the municipality is working well.  

  Meloche gave some credit to the Police Service Board for ensuring Essex continues to be one of the safest communities to live in the nation.

  Meloche noted the Essex Festival Committee hosts events, such as the Essex Fun Fest, which brings community members together.  

  As a show of appreciation, the Town’s volunteers were treated to catered appetizers during the event, and received a goody bag they were able to take home.  

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