submitted by Greater Essex County District School Board
A year-end ceremony to celebrate students’ achievements in school is important and a memorable experience.
However, because of the need to maintain distance from one another during the COVID-19 emergency, a traditional graduation is not possible this year.
The Class of 2020 will still be provided the experience, but in a dramatically different format.
Each school within the Greater Essex County District School Board will produce a video graduation, including many of the familiar elements like official remarks, a valedictory address, and the announcement of student awards.
The video will be broadcast on YouTube at the time and on the day previously arranged prior to the school closures. Students and families will receive notification from their school as a reminder. The distribution of diplomas and certificates will be determined at a later time at each school.
For information, contact Public Relations Officer Scott Scantlebury: 519-255-3200 ext.10224 (leave a message) or 519-995-5797.