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Celebrating the New Year with the Town of Kingsville


by Garrett Fodor

The Town of Kingsville welcomed in the New Year by  inviting  residents  from  the  Town  and  across  the  region  to  enjoy  a  list  of  activities.

Like       many       local      municipalities,   the   Town   of  Kingsville  rang  in  the  New    Year    by    hosting    its    own    celebration    on    December  31,  welcoming  members  of  the  public  to  its   arena.


Beginning   at   4:30pm,  members  of  the  public  were  able  to  skate,  complete   arts   and   crafts   including    lanterns,    and    build  with  Legos,  before  a  fireworks  display  capped off the night at 7pm.


The   event   offered   an   opportunity      for      those      young  –  and  the  young  at  heart  –  to  skate,  whether  they were new to the sport or seasoned pros.


“It’s   nice   to   be   able   to   host   the   public   skate   through      our      sponsor,      Pathway      to      Potential,      along  with  providing hot  chocolate,            activities,            and   end   the   night   with   fireworks,”  Chris  Classey said,   who   works   in   the   Parks      and      Recreation      Department for the Town of Kingsville,  helping  to  run  events  and  programs. “It’s  just  nice  to  see  everyone  come   together,   checking   out what we have to do and offer here in Kingsville.”


For  those  spectating  or  needing something to warm up, the Town of Kingsville provided hot chocolate and cookies, while also playing music.


“For      us,      this      is      something   we   do   as   a   family  and  it’s  something  that  we  love,”  John  and Helena  Neufeld  said,  who  attended   the   skate   along   with   their   nine   children.   “We    learned    about    the    skate  a  day  or  two  before  and we thought we’d come from  Harrow.  We  usually  skate   in   Wheatley   every   week, but we saw the event and we thought it would be fun for the family. The kids enjoy it, and I enjoy it and enjoy  watching  them.  It’s  great.  I  wish  I  could  skate  like them.”


Classey extended  his thanks   to   everyone   who   attended  the  event  as  well  as  the  staff  and  volunteers  who helped to organize the evening of festivities.



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