by Sylene Argent
On Tuesday afternoon, the construction crew with Goodreau Sawmill Inc. was onsite in the Essex Heritage Gardens park to start piecing together the Essex Centre Pavilion.
The pavilion was highlighted as needed through the 2014 Stempski, Kelly Associates’ Essex Centre Streetscape & Silo District Plan.
The pavilion was designed, through work of the BIA on the file, to include many characteristics featured on the historical Essex Railway Station.
Essex Council awarded the tender to Goodreau Sawmill Inc. in late 2017 in the amount of $319,564. The Town of Essex and the Essex Centre BIA are sharing the cost.
Members of the Essex Centre BIA were excited to see the construction of the pavilion underway. Getting involved with the pavilion project fulfills one of the two mandates for the BIA, which is to improve the physical environment of the downtown area.