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Disaster Strike rocks Tune Up the Parks


by Sylene Argent

As part of the Arts, Culture, and Tourism (ACT) Committee’s ongoing Tune Up the Parks summer concert series, local rock band “Disaster Strike” performed beneath the rafters of the Essex Centre pavilion last Wednesday evening.

  Before a large crowd of head-nodding rock ‘n roll enthusiasts, members of “Disaster Strike” performed a myriad of tunes, including a handful of the classics, such as “American Woman,” “Jet Airliner,” and “Free Ride,” along with some modern tunes, such as from bands like “Jet.”

  “Disaster Strike” also performed an original tune called, “Wake Me,” before wrapping up a solid set of music.

  To learn more about this band, log onto its Facebook page,

  On Wednesday, August 8, the Tune Up the Parks concert series will continue with Folk/Blues/Jazz performer, Steve Morin and Friends.

  The local musician has been a staple in the concert series, making several appearances over the past few years at the events that take part on Monday evenings at Colchester Harbour Park and on Wednesday evenings in Essex Centre at the Heritage Gardens Park.

  The Tune Up the Parks series will continue on those evenings until August 30, with additional dates in Harrow and McGregor Centres.

  Those planning to attend are urged to bring along a lawn chair or blanket upon which to sit, and have the opportunity to make a donation to the musicians. Performances may get cancelled or be changed without notice.

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