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EPS learns about safety and consequences of internet and technology

by Garrett Fodor

Last Wednesday evening, an informational internet safety event was hosted for the parents and students of Essex Public School (EPS). The event featured guest speakers and presentations from the OPP, Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association (BANA), Telus Wise, and Hotel Dieu Grace Hospital.

  Youth Diversion’s Joanna Conrad was the keynote speaker for the event, who presented the information, which highlighted the good, the bad and the ugly that can come from using social media. 

Conrad said the fact that there were so many partners present at the event is a clear indicator that there are concerns with the behaviours around internet safety. She said she want to educate parents to better equip their children when navigating the digital world.

  In her presentation, Conrad outlined ways to control and mediate social media, which forms of media can be toxic to youths, and how to use it within reason. 

  The main point of the presentation, Conrad said, was to let parents know how important it is to have open communication with their youth about the aforementioned subjects because kids will be exposed to various types of content all over social media and in the playground. 

Bruno Pallotto, Principal of EPS, said planning of the event began around a year ago when the school applied for a $1,000 grant from the government. He added their goal of the application was to reduce screen time and increase physical activity, which is something the students have been learning about in classes.  

  Portions of the $1,000 grant went towards resources to encourage physical activity from items used outside to sports equipment. Pallotto added the grant was also used to purchase books for the three different age groups at the school (primary, intermediate, and senior), which were given out to parents, free of charge.  

  EPS, Pallotto said, conducted surveys of its student and concluded the students are not sleeping enough. He added while the presentation is over, the students and parents will be able to receive materials on the topics and continue to learn about them in class. He also added that if anyone was unable to attend the information session, or are looking for information, they can visit Youth Diversion’s website to see more of Conrad’s material.

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