by Adam Gault
Anti-bullying initiative
Deputy Mayor Richard Meloche put forward a Notice of Motion, asking administration to explore options to combat alleged bullying in municipal parks.
“This can be done quickly with very little cost,” Meloche said to the idea of implementing a curfew in parks.
He also suggested an increase in police presence, which he believes is already happening, and residents willing to report when they see these types of actions taking place.
Anti-bullying signage to be placed in parks was also a possibility Meloche put forward.
“I don’t know if we need to put an anti-bullying bylaw but I would like administration to review and research other communities that have this sort of thing,” explained Meloche.
A motion was passed for administration to come back to council with findings and directions on the matter at a later date.
Town Welcomes Director of Development Services
The Town of Essex was pleased to announce the appointment of Lori Chadwick to the position of Director, Development Services.
Chadwick most recently served as Director, US Properties, for the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority, as well as previous management and planning positions with the Town of Kingsville, the City of Detroit, and Dillon Consulting.
“Lori’s depth of experience, from both the public and private sector, will serve the Town of Essex well as we continue to grow,” said Chris Nepszy, Chief Administrative Officer. “With over 18-years of experience in urban and regional land use, Lori is the perfect candidate to help guide development and maintain the momentum we have seen over the past few years.”
The Director, Development Services, provides leadership and direction in the areas of Planning, Building, By-law Enforcement, and Economic Development. The Director provides strategic vision, leadership, and expert guidance to the Town, while ensuring short, and long-term plans are in place to maintain existing development and to accommodate growth.
“I am thrilled to be joining the Town of Essex and to have the opportunity to collaborate with a talented and dedicated municipal team of this calibre,” said Chadwick. “I look forward to providing the Town with the dynamic and strategic leadership to achieve the development goals set out by Council for a healthy and sustainable community, now and in the future.”
Chadwick holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Urban & Regional Planning with a minor in Public Administration from the University of Windsor, and is a Registered Professional Planner and a Certified Public Participation Practitioner. Lori is also a member of the Committee of Adjustment for the Town of Tecumseh.
Woodview Estates Subdivision Extension of Draft Plan Approved
An application has been made by Louis Elters, solicitor, on behalf of 2204157 Ontario Limited to the Manager of Planning Services at the County of Essex, for the extension of draft plan of subdivision approval for the remainder of the “Woodview Estates Subdivision” located on the east side of Morton Avenue in the Essex Centre.
Approval authorities, such as the County of Essex, may “draft approve” a subdivision proposal.
Draft approved subdivisions contain conditions that must be met before final approval can be obtained and a plan of subdivision can be registered. The draft approval may establish a time frame within which the conditions must be satisfied or draft approval lapses.
Draft approval was granted by the Manager of Planning Services for the County of Essex on July 24, 2013. Council granted a three (3) year extension of the draft plan approval in 2016. The current draft approval is set to lapse on July 24, 2019.
The current owner acquired the property on October 16, 2017. They are requesting an extension in order to complete an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in consultation with the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) to assess the impact of the development on the abutting woodlot located to the east of the subdivision. The applicants are also requesting the extension to accommodate the closing of the easterly Hanlan Street access. The Woodview Estates Subdivision shares access to the future extension of Hanlan Street with the Gianni Estates Land, located to the North of the subject lands.
The requested extension was approved by council.
Essex Audit Presentation
Town Council received a presentation from Essex BDO, regarding an audit of the Town’s expenses operations, and accounts.
The Town of Essex passed the audit, with all accounts found to be in good standing.