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Essex Council Notes - Monday, November 4


by Sylene Argent

Community Services update

Council received Community Services’ Report “2019 Program Updates - Recreation and Culture,” which Cynthia Cakebread, Manager of Recreation and Culture, prepared.

  In the report, it notes a challenge has been with program cancellations in some locations. Successes include that registered programs offer an instructional component, providing an opportunity for youth, adults, and seniors to develop skills in a variety of program areas.

  It also notes Recreation and Culture has also had an increase in birthday party programs. In 2017, there were 57 birthday parties, which took place at either the Essex Recreation Complex or the Essex Community Centre. To date this year, 91 party packages have either been booked or hosted.

  In regards to Harrow program cancellations, Cakebread noted it is not known why some programs picks up better than others. Staff continues to monitor them.

  Deputy Mayor Richard Meloche said the staff members are doing a phenomenal job in offering a variety of programming. Although it is disappointing to have to cancel them from time-to-time, the selection is incredible as compared to ten-years ago, he said.

  Doug Sweet, Director of Community Services, pointed out that there are sometimes limitations as to what can be offered in some areas of the municipality as far as the facilities available in each area.

2020 meeting dates approved

Council received the Legal and Legislative’s report regarding 2020 Regular Council Meeting Dates, and approved the schedule.

  In the report to Council, it notes as per Section 3.2.1 of Procedural ByLaw 1681, regular council meetings will be held on the first and third Mondays of each month, unless otherwise decided by a majority of its members.

  The final regular Council meeting for 2019 is scheduled for December 16. The municipal office will be closed for the holidays commencing at the end of the day on Friday, December 20 and will reopen on Wednesday, January 2, 2020.

  According to the report, the first meeting for 2020 is scheduled for Monday, January 20.


New heritage listings

Council received Planning’s report “Heritage Listings,” which Rita Jabbour, Manager of Planning Services prepared.

  In the report, it requests 54 Talbot Street South, 94 Talbot Street South, 98 Talbot Street South, 102 Talbot Street South, 138 Albert Street, and 2457 County Road 20 East, be listed on the Essex Municipal Heritage Register.

  The Report to Council noted listing is a mechanism instituted under the Ontario Heritage Act to formally identify properties that may have cultural heritage value. It also serves as an important tool for the conservation of non-designated properties as owners of a listed property must provide the Council of a municipality with at least notice of 60 days of their intention to demolish or remove a building or structure.

  The Essex Municipal Heritage Committee has been reviewing its municipal heritage inventory. It passed a resolution on June 27, 2019, recommending these aforementioned properties are listed.

  According to the report Jabbour presented, the majority of the homes were built in the 1880s, with the exception of the 2547 County Rd 20 East property. This facility was built in 1956 as one the Fina gas station established across Canada by the Petrofina Company.


Site Plan Control Approval for 9529 Walker Road

Essex Council moved to approve the bylaw to enter into a Site Plan Agreement with 1530343 Ontario Incorporated (9529 Walker Road), and received the corresponding report.

  In April of 2019, Council approved a rezoning of the former McGregor Home Hardware store. This was an application seeking permission to convert the first-floor of the former store to five multiple dwelling units. As a condition of rezoning approval, the execution of a site plan control agreement is required.


Kimball Estates Part Lot Control Exemption request

Council received Planning’s report “Part Lot Control Exemption Request for Block 18 within Registered Plan of Subdivision 12M-542, Houghton Street (Essex centre –Ward 1)” and adopt Bylaw 1801 to grant part lot control exemption for Block 18 within Registered Plan of Subdivision 12M-545 until November 4, 2021.

  The adoption of a part lot control exemption bylaw is to permit the sale of freehold townhomes on Block 18 on 12M-542 in the Kimball Estates subdivision, it notes in the report.

  The report notes Kimball Estates is a townhome development on Kimball Drive.

  A Part Lot Control Exemption (PLCE) bylaw is a temporary bylaw that must be renewed if the project is not completed within two years.


Letter re: hydro down in Harrow

While Council received correspondences during the meeting, Councillor Sherry Bondy pointed out one of the letters from Earl Stedman. The letter was written in regard to hydro interruption concerns at the Subway in Harrow.

  In the letter, it notes they are lucky to go a week without a hydro interruption. He said he has had the Subway less than 2-years and claims to have spent over $1,800 on hydro-related repairs.

Most of it was on burned-out keypads on the pop machine.

  Councillor Sherry Bondy said she brought up a list of concerns at the last ELK board meeting. She said the Board takes power outages seriously. She urged those who experience flickers to contact their service provider.


NoM: Lottery Licence Process

At the previous Council meeting, Councillor Sherry Bondy pu t a Notice of Motion forward, to be discussed at the November 4 meeting. She wanted Council to send a letter requesting the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) to consider exemptions from, or simplification of, the lottery licensing process.

  Bondy has talked to Town staff and does not feel the Province’s mind will be changed on the matter, so she withdrew her NoM from the table. She thought perhaps some things can be done in house to make the licenses more accessible.


Remembrance Day

Mayor Larry Snively said as part of the public, the sacrifices veterans made in all wars Canada was involved in should never be forgotten. He urged community members to make sure they get out to their local cenotaphs on Monday, Remembrance Day, to give thanks.

  There are a lot of men and women who have sacrificed a lot for our freedoms, he noted.

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