by Sylene Argent
On Tuesday morning, representatives of Union Gas and Essex Fire & Rescue responded to a concern brought forward about the smell of gas detected in the downtown business corridor of Essex Centre.
Essex Fire Chief Rick Arnel explained that Union Gas responded to the call and asked the local fire department to locate the owner of Woodcraft Pizza and Bar, from where the leak seemed to be emitting from, as a result of the investigation. The meter was shut off to determine where the leak was coming from, he said.
A concerned neighbouring business put in the call, he said.
Arnel added that Union Gas has the equipment to determine where the problem may be coming from as it relates to possible gas leaks.
Essex Fire & Rescue also helped evacuate some businesses within that area for a short while as a precautionary measure.
Gas, Arnel continued, has an odour that helps individuals detect if there is a leak. He urges those who may detect that smell to contact Essex Fire & Rescue Service and/or Union Gas immediately so the situation can be investigated.