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Highland Games returns to Kingsville


by Sylene Argent

On Saturday, thousands of regional residents flocked to Kingsville’s Lakeside Park to participate in a renewed event that paid homage to Scottish and Celtic tradition and culture, the Kingsville Highland Games

  The last time the Town of Kingsville hosted the Kingsville Highland Games was in 1987, and judging by the event turnout and roster of activities, it was due to make a strong comeback.

Highland Dancer Michaela shows off the four medals and trophy she won during the dance competition.

  The event offered the opportunity for area Highland Dancers as well as pipe and drum musicians to compete. Individuals were also able to participate in a Kilt Charity Run earlier in the morning, listen in on bagpipe demonstrations from hundreds of musicians, or enjoy watching the athletic tug-of-war competition, sheep herding demonstrations, and athletic competitions.   

  The event also pitted area mayors against one another for an opportunity to win bragging rights by winning the Mayors’ Haggis Hurl. Area mayors spun around three times before sending a piece of haggis towards a whisky barrel.

  Fittingly, Kingsville Mayor Nelson Santos won the competition, wearing a kilt.

  “It is so good to see so many of you,” Kingsville Mayor Nelson Santos said during the event’s opening ceremonies.

Local fiddler, Todd Porter, performed Scottish music during the Kingsville Highland Games event on Saturday.

  “The 2019 Highland Games was but a wee bit dream until volunteers came together to make this event a reality,” Santos commented.  

  During the opening ceremonies, the Multicultural Council of Windsor and Essex County offered heartfelt congratulations to Kingsville on the success of the event.

  “It is exciting to see this park filled to capacity,” Essex MPP Tracey Ramsey said during the event’s opening ceremonies. She said she remembers coming to the event in her youth.

Lakeshore Mayor Tom Bain participates in the Mayors’ Haggis Hurl during Kingsville’s Highland Games.

  “I can already see what a hit it will be,” Ramsey said, commenting on the thousands who came out to support the event either by competing in an activity, hosting one of many vendor tables that lined the park’s pathway, or just came out to spectate.

  “Those with Scottish roots, enjoy the day. If not, enjoy being Scottish for the day,” Ramsey said.  

  The event wrapped-up with a sold-out performance from the “Mudmen” a Canadian rock band surging with Celtic energy. 

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