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Holy Name CWL hosts annual Turkey Dinner and Bazaar


by Julianna Bonnett 

The Holy Name of Jesus Parish’s Catholic Women’s League (CWL) hosted its annual Turkey Dinner and Bazaar on Sunday afternoon.

   There are currently over 140 women involved in the CWL at the Holy Name of Jesus Church. Some of these members helped organize Sunday’s event, which President Pat Kozak said has been taking place annually for the last 30-years.

  Plenty of people were in attendance for the event, which featured a turkey dinner, donation bins, raffles, and knitted hats and scarves.

  “It’s very much a community event. Our parish comes together to raise funds from this day to help with other community events,” Kozak said. “Last year, we had over 500 people [attend]. So, it’s a very well attended event with a lot of support from our parish and youth group.”

  Past President of the CWL Janice Rounding said her expectation for the day was to sell all 500 tickets available for the dinner and to raise around $12,000.

  “We have so far sold more than 300 tickets and we’re expecting to fully sell all 500 tickets,” Rounding said. “Each year, we’ve had this, there has been such a great turn out. So, we’re hoping to raise a good amount for our community.”

  Next year, the CWL will celebrate its 100th anniversary across Canada. The Catholic Women’s League is known as one of the largest national organization of Catholic women in Canada, which has a goal to serve their communities and focus on directives to deepen spirituality and help families everywhere.

  “I’m just happy we are doing such a good thing for our community and celebrating 100 years in the upcoming year, it is such a milestone for us and our community,” Kozak said.

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