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Holy Name supporters raise their paddles

by Garrett Fodor

Holy Name of Jesus Church was the scene for a fun fundraiser on Monday night. Contestants filled the hall to raised their paddles with excitement in hopes of earning a deal while supporting a cause.

  The Paddle Party event was a Holy Name Catholic Elementary School fundraiser, organized by the school’s Parent Council. After last year’s success of 200 people attending and participating, the school was able to purchase 20 new Chromebooks. This year’s project is hoping to raise funds in order to put in a new water bottle refill station and fountain.

  Brian Marenchin is the Principal for Holy Name. He said the idea of installing the water bottle refill station came from within the school and came from the students.

  “We have a Social Justice Club at the school and it is comprised mainly of grade seven and eight students, with the goal of trying to make the world a better place,” Marenchin said. “Recently, news has been [that] the plastic water bottles [are] contributing to all the worldly issues with the environment. So, our Social Justice Club [members] took it upon themselves to make this a priority, to change out traditional fountains.”

  A ‘Paddle Battle’ is a blend between bingo and an auction. In this case, 11 vendors participated. Each vendor brought up an item, and event participants were then able to bid on them, using up to three quarters. The emcees then drew a number. The participant holding the matching number, as drawn, won the item if they had made a bit on it. During the first round, all the tokens accumulated were collected to go towards the school.

  Marenchin added the event couldn’t have been done without the time and effort of their 17-member Parent Council. He said the water bottle refill station and fountain project will cost an estimated $6,000, once it is all finished. Following the installation of the new fountain, they plan to promote awareness and give each student a reusable water bottle.

  President of Parent Council, Christine Dinney, said she is grateful for all the community support, including the participants who attended this year’s event and to the, over 30, businesses that donated items to be a part of the festivity.

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