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Lots of development planned throughout the Town of Essex


by Sylene Argent

During the Essex Council meeting on Monday, March 7, Director of Development Services, Lori Chadwick, presented the annual Development Update, highlighting planned residential, commercial, and industrial projects for the coming year. 

Essex Centre:

Essex Town Centre is located near the Maidstone Avenue and Highway # 3 intersection. There are two phases currently under construction for 154 units. The Town is currently relocating the Rush Drain and the stormwater management pond is under construction. Moving forward, the Town has drawings for phases 2, 3, and 4, which are currently under review. When approved, this will account for 94 single-detached dwellings.  The developer has been approved for 567 lots in total.

  Woodview Estates is located near the Essex Civic Centre, and is in its third phase. It was recently approved for its stormwater management plan and its ECA Applications are currently under review. The Town will hold a public meeting to consider a Redline Amendment, which would revise the plan to consider the temporary stormwater management pond location. It is hoped a shovel will hit the ground in the very near future for a total of 51 single-detached dwellings. This is the last phase.

  Gianni Estates is closely tied to the Hanlan Street extension. It will have 86 single-detached dwellings and includes an apartment complex, five to six storeys in height. It is in the pre-submission stage for the Draft Plan of Subdivision application.

  80 Maidstone is a new project. It could include 44 townhome units. It is in its pre-consultation stage.

  Jakana Subdivision includes the development of 62 single lots. Full build-out has been achieved. The Town of Essex has assumed, but not accepted, services and infrastructure.

  Townsview Subdivision includes 66 singles. Full build-out has been achieved. The Town of Essex has assumed, but not accepted, its services and infrastructure.

  Liftow Toyota, to be an industrial/construction vehicle sales dealership on South Talbot Road, is under construction. The Town hosted a ground breaking ceremony for this last November.

  Sturgeon Woods RV Trailer Sales & Self-Storage, also located on South Talbot Road, has had a Zoning By-law Amendment approved for its lot two phase for the RV camper and trailer sales lot and self-storage. Stormwater and servicing studies are under review. It will then move to Site Plan Control Approval, which is still required before construction can take place.

  The Highway 3 Industrial Park could be a two-phase project on the southside of Highway # 3. There are still discussions being held with a potential developer to subdivide a vacant industrial land into a business park to create six to eight lots. Planning applications are yet to be submitted.

  Essex Home Hardware will be relocated to Maidstone Avenue, between the McDonald’s plaza and Canadian Tire. The Site Plan Control application and associated studies are currently under review. Developers would like all approvals in place, including building permits, by the end of the year.

  Former Dahl House renovations include the ground floor for retail or restaurant, and second floor apartment units. It is currently under construction.



Masaccio Drive will have 29 single-detached dwellings. Updated Storm Water Management Plan is under review to facilitate construction, and is hoped to be seen this year.

  Ducharme Lane will have additional 22 single-detached dwellings to the east. Servicing Studies under review and a Draft Plan Approval is required.

  Parnell Street Apartments will have 116 units in phase 1, and 26 Townhome Dwelling Units in phase 2, when further capacity is available. The Site Plan Control application has been submitted and is under review.

  Ingratta Subdivision could have around 129 single-detached dwellings. Pre-consultation has taken place with the Town and regulatory agencies to date. Rezoning is still required. Rezoning and Draft Plan of Subdivision will only be permitted to proceed if servicing allocation is available



The Colchester Bay development could bring an estimated 400 to 488 single-detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings, townhomes, and apartment units. Pre-consultation meetings have been held with the Town of Essex and regulatory agencies. A public open house is scheduled to take place, and a Draft Plan application will be submitted following completion of various studies, such as a functioning service report ,to outline requirements.

  Colchester Heights (Ambassador Beach) could bring 59 singles-detached dwellings. Pre-consultation has taken place with the Town and regulatory agencies. A Draft Plan application still needs to be submitted following completion of various studies.

  Lypps Beach could bring 100 single-detached dwellings. Pre-consultation meetings have taken place with the Town and regulatory agencies. A Draft Plan application will be submitted following completion of various studies.

  Wellesley Drive Subdivision could bring 42 single-detached dwellings, with lots on a Registered Plan of Subdivision. A Development Agreement needs to be entered, following completion of studies.

  Erie Shores (Levergood) could bring 96 singles-detached dwellings and semi-detached dwellings. It is in the conceptual stage.

  The Goodchild Beach /Erie Blue Road project is also in the conceptual stage.

  The Upper Canada Growers greenhouse expansion for two additional ancillary dwellings for farm help is in the rezoning application phase. In the future, a new warehouse and greenhouse will be processed under Site Plan Control.

  Bell Road Greenhouse will construct a 1.8-acre greenhouse. Site Plan Control application has been submitted and is under review.

  The Grove Motor Inn will consist of construction of a two-storey motel and café. Building permit applications have been approved.



Dalla Bona Subdivision (Phase 1) consists of 25 single-detached dwellings. Planning approvals are in place. Construction of services and roads are ongoing, however, the “Holding” restriction is still in place.

  Dalla Bona Subdivision (Phase 2) includes 12 single-detached, semi-detached, and townhome dwelling blocks. Its Draft Plan has been approved. Clearance letters from ERCA and Town of Essex are required.

  Dalla Bona Subdivision (Phase 3) is scheduled for 74 single-detached and semi-detached dwellings. Draft plan approval is still required, and the Town is waiting on the submission of servicing studies.

  Parkland Woods is scheduled for 72 single-detached dwellings and semi-detached dwellings. Phase 1 includes a Registered Plan of Subdivision. Phase 2 includes the Draft Plan approval, final approval pending.

  Sunset Gardens (Phase 2) is scheduled for 60 single-detached dwellings. The Town is awaiting approval of servicing studies. Draft Plan application will follow.

  The Boudreau Development consists of a mixed-use commercial plaza, two-storey office building, warehouse, repair garage, and restaurant for Phase 1 and 2. A Zoning By-law amendment for the restaurant has been approved. Site Plan Control application for development has been received. Servicing studies are in the review stage.

  Members of Council had the opportunity to comment or ask questions on the projects. Councillor Kim Verbeek asked how the Town could be looking at greenhouse approvals before a light pollution by-law was created and approved.

  Director of Legislative Services/Clerk, Robert Auger, said staff is looking to come back to Council with a report on this at the March 21 meeting.

  Councillor Chris Vander Doelen said he is delighted to see so much housing on the way, and that an array will be offered.

  Councillor Sherry Bondy said she is hearing concerns about infrastructure, and the Town needs to ensure it has adequate storm water and sanitary to accommodate the growth.

Her understanding is that Colchester is on a lagoon system, with no more capacity going west. She said she was interested to see how that is navigated. She has heard from residents that they do not want to pay for the new lagoon, they want the developer to pay for it.

  Director of Infrastructure, Kevin Girard, said as part of any development review, appropriate studies do need to be conducted prior to development.

Chadwick also spoke about Development Charges (DC) during her presentation, which is a way the municipality can recover capital costs associated with growth. This is in addition to what would normally be constructed as part of a subdivision.

The Town’s current DC By-Law expires in August of 2024. Currently, commercial, industrial, and institutional DC charges are waived until the end of the By-Law’s term. In addition, DC charges for residential projects in the Harrow Settlement Area are also waived by 75 percent until the end of the year, by 50 percent until the end of 2023, and by 25 percent until August of 2024.

  Though DC charges can be waived for the developer, it does not mean they are waived for the municipality, Chadwick said. The funding for the waiver needs to come from somewhere.

  In 2021, the Town budgeted to collect over $1M in DC, but collected nearly $500,000. The Town estimated it was going to waive $500,000 in DC, but waived $381,000.

Council received the report.

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