by Sylene Argent
A unique partnership between two committees of Essex Council – the Essex Centre BIA and the Arts, Culture, and Tourism (ACT) Committee – has resulted in a new nature-themed mural that now hangs colourfully in the Essex Centre BIA parkette.
The new mural, which Artist Irene Sekersky of Art Attack created and titled “Supportive Roles, depicts birds, flowers, and dragonflies. It was officially unveiled during a special ceremony hosted inside the Essex Centre BIA Parkette on the evening of Tuesday, May 14.
Terri Grondin-Sweet, the Essex Centre BIA’s Chairperson said that though she is new to the committee, “I know a community is only as strong as its volunteers. Here in Essex Centre, we are fortunate to have dedicated and passionate individuals support an array of worthwhile community projects, some of which enhance the physical environment of our downtown area.”
The idea to install the mural came about last year when members of the Essex Centre BIA wanted to continue improving the Parkette that they stepped-up to help create in 2017 by adding a shade sale, shrubbery, and chest tables.
The BIA, she said, decided to move forward with adding a mural to continue to enhance the Parkette, and reached out to ACT Committee, which has expertise in installing murals, to help out.
Tracy Armstrong, who is a new member of the ACT Committee, said as a member of the committee and community, she was excited to see something beautiful installed in a space local youth could enjoy.
Seeing the mural inspires her as an ACT Committee member to think of other murals or activities the community may enjoy.
The Essex Centre BIA extended thanks to the members of the ACT Committee and staff at the Town of Essex for supporting the beautification project.
It is hoped business owners, shoppers, clients, and residents all enjoy the newest addition to the Parkette.
Other recent BIA beautification efforts in the downtown area includes the addition of a tree and a chess table at the pavilion. The business-orientated organization installed the pavilion last year in the Heritage Gardens Park in partnership with the Town of Essex.