by Sylene Argent
As community members drive from store-to-store in search of the perfect Christmas gifts for loved ones, OPP personnel reminded shoppers at Canadian Tire in Essex on Friday to “Lock it or Lose it.”
Though the OPP promotes the “Lock it or Lose it” campaign all year round, the holiday season is a great time to remind residents of the potential consequences of not locking car doors as patrons may potentially be travelling with more valuables this time of the year.
Through the “Lock it or Lose it” program, OPP personnel, including Constable Sarah Werstein, Essex’s Community Policing Officer, encouraged patrons to never leave valuables in their unlocked vehicles, visible.
Werstein provided a few tips on keeping your valuables safe, including leaving windows rolled up, locking doors, not leaving keys in the vehicle, keeping valuables out of site, and never leaving a vehicle running while unattended.
After spending a few hours greeting customers at Canadian Tire, the OPP personnel then checked area parking lots for unlocked vehicles, leaving a reminder note for those who left their items at risk.
Hosting community events, such as the one on Friday, gives area residents an opportunity to ask OPP personnel any questions they may have, which helps build community relationships, Werstein said.