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Second annual Ford Day attracts unique cars

Pictured above: Elmer and Shirley Quinlan with their ’56 Niagara Meteor, while. Ron Rigg (pictured below) shows off his ’66 Mustang convertible GT.

by Sylene Argent

As a way to engage the community and raise awareness about local history, Heritage Essex hosted the second annual Ford Day at the historic Essex Railway Station on Friday afternoon.

  Bill Gay of Heritage Essex, which maintains the Essex Railway Station, said Fords have been sold in Essex since 1926, which is a piece of local history of which many community members may not be aware.

  In 1928, a new Ford Model A could be purchased for $495, Gay said.

  The Old Car Detective Bill Sherk was a special guest at the event. He said his first car was a 1940 Mercury, which was built in Windsor. He bought the car in 1959 in Leamington when he was 17 and still a high school student.

  “I didn’t have enough money, so I bought it without the engine for $150,” he explained.

  Coincidently, this model of vehicle was the first in which he ever rode as a three-day old new born, on the way home from the hospital.

  “I’ve been a Ford passenger, driver, and owner for a long-time,” he quipped.

  The Ford Day received a good turnout of Ford owners, who showed off their vehicles for the day.

  Ron Rigg of Essex boasted about his ’66 Mustang convertible GT. He rebuilt the vehicle mostly himself, with the help of a few friends, around 20 years ago. After that year-and-a-half restoration, he has been able to enjoy driving the car around Essex County.

  “I wanted an early model Mustang. I picked this up in London,” he explained.

  Elmer and Shirley Quinlan showed off their ’56 Niagara Meteor at the Ford Day. They have had the vehicle six years and have enjoyed cruising around with it since. When it was purchased, a lot of motor work needed to be completed.

  Elmer explained his car was built in Oshawa.

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