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Study indicates CR 9/10 intersection will warrant traffic signal in the very near future


- Notice of Motion will ask for signalling to be done this year -

by Sylene Argent, Local Journalism Initiative

Essex County Council received a Traffic Control study for the intersection of County Roads 9 and 10 in Amherstburg as information at its June 19 meeting.

  At a meeting in June of 2023, County Council approved the reconstruction of the bridge over the River Canard, situated at the intersection of County Road 9 and County Road 10, the Report to County Council details.

  Further, in September, County Council directed Administration to conduct a traffic study at the intersection for the purpose of improved traffic control.

  Allan Botham, Director of Infrastructure and Planning Services, said construction on the bridge started in 2023, and progress on the construction project has been very good. All indications are that the construction will be completed on time.

  In regards to the traffic control, the County’s preliminary analysis suggests that conditions will satisfy traffic signal warrants in the very near future.

  A consultant was then hired to complete a signal design and layout, so the County could incorporate infrastructure into the bridge project.

  Given the size and design of the bridge, Botham said much of the traffic signal system has to be built into, or attached to, the structure. His department did have some of that work done already.

Moving into the final phases of the bridge project, there are still additional underground parts that need to be installed, like a controlled pad, conduit, ground rods, etc.

  Because of the size of the structure, Botham noted this work is best suited for a bridge contractor.

  The estimated cost for added traffic signal infrastructure works, in preparation to install the above-ground traffic signal system, is $376,000, completed by the bridge contractor. 

  That funding can be accommodated through the County’s 2024 Rehabilitation Budget.

  To complete the signals at the intersection, Administration will come back to Council with the project in the 2025 Budget for consideration.

  Amherstburg Mayor Michael Prue clarified the bridge is scheduled to be completed some time toward the end of July, and the signals could be approved as part of the 2025 Budget.

  Until then, it will continue as is, as a two-way stop.

  Amherstburg Deputy Mayor Chris Gibb asked if there would be any cost-advantage to complete signalling at this time, while the contractor is onsite?

  Botham responded there likely could be a cost-saving to do so during the bridge construction. He said it is hard to know what the price would be if tendered next year.

  He added it would be convenient to do the work now, with the road already closed.

  Gibb put forward a motion to get the work done now, recognizing in the least it would be more convenient and perhaps even provide a cost-savings. Prue seconded it, noting it could be a safety issue as well.

  Tecumseh Mayor Gary McNamara noted it should be introduced as a Notice of Motion, as it is an unbudgeted item. A report would need to be brought back to Council. He could not support it, not knowing the potential cost impact.

  Botham noted a rough estimate to complete the rest of the work is around $250,000.

  Gibb and Prue agreed to raise it instead as a Notice of Motion to be discussed at the July meeting. Towards the end of the meeting Prue made the Notice of Motion, that Council approve signals at the County Road 9 and 10 intersection. That money, he suggested, would be found in the existing construction budget.

  On behalf of the community, Gibb thanked County Council for approving having the study completed and the Infrastructure Department for getting the work done.

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