by Sylene Argent
Just in time for Christmas, members of the popular barbershop-style singing group, the Sun Parlour Chorus, donated a heap of non-perishable food items to the Essex Area Food Bank.
The donations were collected at the door during the group’s annual Christmas party. The collection is gathered every year, but the beneficiary changes annually. The group hosts the collection as a way to give back to the community and support families and individuals who are experiencing financial stress.
In a show of support for the Essex Area Food Bank, some of the members brought in large amounts of non-perishable food items, and others provided financial donations.
Members of the Sun Parlour Chorus meet at 7:30 p.m. every Monday evening at the Essex Central Masonic Lodge on Laird Avenue. Anyone interested in the group is welcome to learn more by visiting:
The Windsor Chapter was the first Canadian group to join the Barbershop Harmony Society in 1944. Members of the local chapter host an annul show, attend competitions, and educate the public about barbershop music.