by Sylene Argent
Changes are planned for the upcoming Maidstone Bicentennial Museum’s annual War of 1812 Encampment and the Essex Centre BIA’s Classic Car Show.
War of 1812 Encampment: Saturday, May 19
Volunteers with the Maidstone Bicentennial Museum will scale-back the annual War of 1812 Encampment this year, which traditionally stretched across a weekend. It will be hosted on one day in 2018, Saturday, May 19, from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.
The Friday of the event was traditionally hosted as an education day for local students, but will be re-organized as an achievement day for the Junior Historical Society, curator Victoria Beaulieu said. Next year, the regular education day will resume.
The scaled-back event will still offer an encampment, storytelling from re-enactors, and the anticipated cannon firing.
Beaulieu said the change was in part due to the need to rebuild the event. Over the past few years, there have been several key volunteers with the Maidstone Bicentennial Museum who have passed on or retired, who were instrumental in the organization of events and programs. In addition, re-enactor, Jim Wellheiser, who returned to the event annually, to portray Mohawk Chief John Norton, has also passed on.
It is planned to have the 2019 event back to regular scale after the much-needed event re-build, Beaulieu noted.
Essex Dream Cruise In: Friday, August 3
The Essex Centre BIA will sponsor the Essex Dream Cruise In on Friday, August 3, in co-operation the Canadian Transportation Museum & Heritage Village (CTMHV).
The event, planned to take place along Talbot Street in Essex Centre, will shut down the main street, beginning at 2 p.m. Antique, custom, and classic car owners will be invited to park their vehicles downtown to take part in the event, which will continue on into the evening.
The Essex Dream Cruise In will replace the Classic Car Show, which has traditionally followed the Essex Fun Fest Parade in the past.
The change allows for the two organizations to work together, for businesses to self promote, and allow members of the CTMHV to fundraise and raise awareness about their organization.
Making the Cruise In its own event, outside of the Essex Fun Fest, will create an opportunity for two major events to take place in Essex Centre over the summer.